We are very grateful to everyone in our community who has included University College School (UCS) in their will. This is one of the most impactful ways in which you can support UCS, and the impact of such generosity could be felt for generations to come.

UCS is a charity (registered charity number 312748) and therefore both gifts made during your lifetime and those made in your will are generally free of tax if you are a UK taxpayer. (NB UCS cannot offer tax advice and recommends that you seek independent legal and financial advice when either making or amending your will.)

Unless otherwise specified, all gifts in wills to UCS will support the Bursary Endowment Fund, providing fee assistance to academically able pupils who would otherwise not be able to attend UCS and enjoy the education and experience of which the school is proud. However, you may choose to direct your bequest to a specific area, for instance our capital projects.

Invitation & recognition

We understand that for many of our community, a will is a private matter and of course we respect that. The 1830 Society recognises all those who have included UCS in their wills and we would be delighted to invite you to be part of this. If you would like to share your plans with the school, we would be delighted to thank you and, if appropriate, recognise your generosity.

For any information or questions about including UCS in your will, please contact the Director of Development & Alumni Relations on [email protected] or 0044 207 433 2139.

Please find below suggested wordings for inclusion in your will:

Residuary bequests

“I give to University College School, Frognal, Hampstead, London, NW3 6XH, UK, charity number 312748 ___ (enter the word ‘all’ or fractional share) of the residue of my estate to support the bursary endowment fund and I further direct that the receipt of the School Bursar or other proper officer of the Foundation for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors for the said legacy.”

Specific bequests

“I give to University College School, Frognal, Hampstead, London, NW3 6XH, UK, charity number 312748, free of all tax the sum of £__ (or the specific items to be given) of the residue of my estate to support the bursary endowment fund and I further direct that the receipt of the School Bursar or other proper officer of the Foundation for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors for the said legacy.”

Stocks and shares

Donating your shares to UCS is not only a great way to help the School, but it could also be a shrewd financial decision as it’s one of the most tax-effective ways you can give.

Since April 2000, it has been possible to claim Income Tax relief for the full market value of shares on the date of the gift, in addition to the existing Capital Gains Tax relief. Companies can also make gifts of shares in other companies and claim relief against their profits for Corporation Tax purposes.

For example, if you are a higher rate taxpayer (40%) and you donate £10,000 worth of listed shares, your income tax bill could be reduced by £4,000.

In addition, you could be entitled to exemption from any capital gains tax on the gains you have made while you owned the shares. In theory, this could mean a further “saving” of up to 40%. Please note that any capital loss on the shares cannot be offset against your other capital gains.

We are very grateful to all members of the UCS Community who have already donated very generously in this way.