UCS judged 'Excellent' in ISI inspection

In November, the Independent Schools Inspectorate visited all three schools in the UCS Foundation and has reported the quality of education as consistently excellent.

This is the highest descriptor awarded and the Educational Quality is measured in both Pupil Achievement and Personal Development. Also, crucially, the three schools were fully compliant in all statutory regulations, including safeguarding, staff recruitment and health & safety.

Over the course of the inspection, the team of inspectors conducted a number of staff and pupil interviews as well as lesson, tutor time and assembly observations. They also examined a wealth of policies, evidence and pupil work to arrive at their judgement. We are incredibly proud of the outcome and grateful to all staff for taking the care, skill and pride necessary in educating our young people so successfully.

Key findings: Senior School
• Pupils develop excellent knowledge, skills and understanding and achieve outstanding examination results at GCSE and A Level
• Pupils have excellent communication skills and collaborate successfully on group projects
• Pupils are highly skilled learners with a strong spirit of enquiry
• Pupils are ambitious to extend their achievements beyond the classroom
• Pupils have a highly positive approach to their work and other activities in school
• Pupils take responsibility for their academic attainment and progress and for their broader intellectual development
• Pupils communicate highly effectively and they are respectful of one another’s views
• Pupils have a well-developed social awareness
• Pupils have a strong moral sense and are passionate about defending what they regard as right
• Pupils believe strongly in equality of treatment for all and behave accordingly

Key findings: Junior Branch
• Pupils of all abilities make rapid progress in all areas of the curriculum; by the time they leave the school their achievement is well above age-related expectations
• Pupils are excellent communicators and speak and listen respectfully in all activities
• Pupils are excellent in thinking critically and using higher order reasoning skills, seen in all areas of the curriculum and most notably in numeracy
• Pupils are excellent in their attitudes to learning; they are motivated and respond extremely positively to the school’s high expectations
• Pupils enjoy outstanding successes and achievements in their extra-curricular activities
• Pupils show excellent self-confidence, resilience and self-understanding
• Pupils have a clear understanding of right and wrong; they show excellent self-discipline and are considerate and kind towards each other
• Pupils have extremely well developed social and collaborative skill
• Pupils show genuine appreciation of and respect for the cultural diversity that is naturally embedded within the school community

Key findings: Pre-Prep
• Pupils all make rapid progress across the curriculum from their various starting points
• Pupils make excellent progress as the result of teaching which combines high expectations with encouragement, imagination and fun
• Pupils are highly motivated, eager learners who relish challenges to extend their thinking
• Pupils develop sophisticated thinking skills, applying logic to analyse steps through a task or the best means to improve their work
• Pupils develop excellent communication skills so that they speak, read and write with fluency
• Pupils develop strong self-esteem and self-confidence, with resilience to see mistakes as a step to improving their learning
• Pupils are excellent in their behaviour and attitudes to learning
• Pupils enjoy significant successes in the range of activities in which they participate
• Pupils show an excellent understanding of the importance of treating each other with respect and kindness

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