Stellar A Level results for UCS Sixth

Year 13 pupils across the country are celebrating impressive A Level results today after a hugely challenging period pockmarked by the Covid pandemic. UCS Hampstead students are no less delighted with their grades and can look forward to starting their university courses this autumn.

Mark Beard, Headmaster of the UCS Foundation, commented: “We are proud of what our Sixth Formers have achieved. These pupils gained recording-breaking GCSE results in 2019 and deserve their outstanding A Level results. The pandemic required learners to become better learners and teachers to become better teachers. Their combined efforts have been herculean. I congratulate them all.”

Our 2021 leavers are destined for universities such as Cambridge, Oxford and St Andrews to study a broad range of subjects from Medicine to Music via Modern Languages. Medical applicants are headed to Bristol and Queen Mary, London. Meanwhile, 22 offers – including three scholarships – have landed from overseas universities, notably in the US and Canada.

A small group of pupils gathered at UCS this morning to celebrate. Alex Burns, with three A*s and a 1,1 in externally examined STEP papers, will study Mathematics at Cambridge. “I am so grateful to the teachers who taught and supported me, especially the Maths Department,” he said.

Twelve of the outgoing Year 13 received full fee assistance throughout their UCS careers. One such student, Sara Bonakdar, said: “I joined UCS in Year 12 and it has been a great stepping stone between school and university. I start at St Andrews in three weeks!”

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