Tickets for "James and the Giant Peach" are on sale now

Rehearsals for the Lower School’s witty and wild take on “James and the Giant Peach” are in full swing. Spectators can expect Roald Dahl’s adventurous tale of friendship and perseverance to be retold in a playful and imaginative narration.

Aaron Turvey in Shell, who plays ‘Grasshopper’ told us “It is a story of adventure and friendship, where an unlikely crew and a lonely boy end up becoming the best of friends.
It’s also about celebrating differences – even though the characters are from different species, they are forced to work together” adds Toby Latner, who plays the central character of ‘James’.

Work on the Lower School Production began in December when a record number of 80 Lower School pupils auditioned for a part in the play. The production now features a cast of 29 pupils from Entry and Shell who have been busy rehearsing the production since the beginning of January to take their audiences on a fantastical journey.

Aaron explains, “Making friends with other pupils in the school from different forms and year groups has been one of the best parts of the process. It was similar in last year’s Lower School Production of “Wind in the Willows” – the plays are a great opportunity to make friends.”
It’s a very dynamic production, and it has been really cool to be in a show that is so physical and how the stage props are utilised so imaginatively” states Max Tager, playing ‘Centipede’.

Roald Dahl’s unique storytelling style seamlessly blends comedy with heart-warming moments, creating an unforgettable and resonant experience. Sam Morris, playing ‘Ladybug’, promises audiences they can expect “a lot of laughs.” Sam also expressed, “Miss Barclay, who is directing, has a lot of fun and imaginative ideas which make the play very exciting, and the ensemble plays a massive part in how we tell the story.”

Tickets for “James and the Giant Peach” are on sale here. The production plays at the Lund Theatre on 1st-2nd May, starting at 6.30 pm each evening.

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