Everyone who visits the UCS Junior Branch comments on the “special atmosphere” within our school. There is a warmth, vitality and sense of energy that stems from the excellent relations that exist between staff and pupils and between the boys themselves.
We are an academically selective school and we have high expectations of our boys – but, above all, we are a caring community, characterised by good manners and open, honest dealings with everyone.
Our pupils are well supported, both by each other and by their teachers, and as occurs throughout the UCS Foundation, they are encouraged to be themselves. We have extremely high academic standards and yet, at the same time, we emphasise the individual.
The curriculum at the UCS Junior Branch is broad, creative and academically stretching. Our dynamic teachers help our pupils to appreciate the value of learning as a lifelong process which enables them to thrive when they join the UCS Senior School in Year 7.
Our high staff-to-pupil ratio also ensures that our pupils receive the attention they need as they live out these formative Junior School years amid our “special atmosphere”.